ihe oyiyi loader

Ebe ọ bụ na 'Tinye/Wepụ Software' nwekwara ngwa dabere na azụmaahịa, anyị ekepụtala ebe ngwanrọ nke anyị nwere naanị ngwa azụmaahịa anaghị ere. Anyị na-enyocha ma nwalee ngwa ndị a niile. Anyị na-akwado ka ị wụnye ngwa niile sitere na etiti ngwanrọ anyị ka ịzenarị azụmaahịa.

Ebe ọ bụ na 'Tinye/Wepụ Software' nwekwara ngwa dabere na azụmaahịa, anyị ekepụtala ebe ngwanrọ nke anyị nwere naanị ngwa azụmaahịa anaghị ere. Anyị na-enyocha ma nwalee ngwa ndị a niile. Anyị na-akwado ka ị wụnye ngwa niile sitere na etiti ngwanrọ anyị ka ịzenarị azụmaahịa.


Artikulate is a pronunciation trainer that helps improving and perfecting a learner’s pronunciation skills for a foreign language. It provides courses with native speaker recordings for several training languages. The learner downloads those courses, selects a category of phrases to train, then starts with recording her/his own voice when speaking the phrases and comparing the results to the native speaker’s recordings by listening to both. By adjusting and repeating the own pronunciation, the learner can improve his/her skill.

Lieutenant Skat

Lieutenant Skat Lieutenant Skat Lieutenant Skat

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