Parole is a modern simple media player based on the GStreamer framework and written to fit well in the Xfce desktop. …
aMule is an eMule-like client for the eD2k and Kademlia networks, supporting multiple platforms.
Currently aMule (officially) supports a wide variety of platforms and operating systems, being compatible with more than 60 different hardware+OS configurations.
aMule is entirely free, its sourcecode released under the GPL just like eMule, and includes no adware or spyware as is often found in proprietary P2P applications. …
Trimage bụ GUI cross-platform na interface-line interface iji kwalite faịlụ onyonyo maka weebụsaịtị, na-eji optipng, pngcrush, advpng na jpegoptim, dabere na ụdị faịlụ (ugbu a, faịlụ PNG na JPG na-akwado). Imageoptim sitere n'ike mmụọ nsọ. Faịlụ onyonyo niile enweghị atụkọkọ na ọkwa mkpakọ kachasị dị, wee wepụ EXIF na metadata ndị ọzọ. Trimage na-enye gị ọrụ ntinye dị iche iche iji kwado usoro ọrụ nke gị: mkparịta ụka faịlụ mgbe niile, ịdọrọ na idobe na nhọrọ ahịrị iwu dị iche iche. …