ihe oyiyi loader

Maya Cursor

Maya cursor


Maya Serie for Righties X11 mouse theme with available cursors size: 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 and 64 pixels. Available couple colours: Black (black pure, gray 6), Blue (accent blue, accent blue base), Green (accent green base, accent green shadow), Orange (orange base, orange shadow), Red (accent red base, accent deep red) and White ( white pure, grey 1). I am offering the full serie for right and left handed, with property multi sized and also as pack for those who don’t like or have trouble for choose the cursor size with mouse themes multi sized.

Ejiri Inkscape mee ntụnye ahụ. Cursors na-ele anya nke ọma na ma, ọchịchịrị na nzụlite doro anya. M ga-enwe ekele maka nkwupụta ọ bụla iji melite isiokwu cursor a.

Ọ bụghị kpamkpam kpamkpam, n'ihi na ihe oyiyi nwere gradients; enweghị blurs na enweghị onyinyo. Ọ na-arụ ọrụ nke ọma na Gnome na ịdị n'otu, agbakwunyela m ụfọdụ symlinks na Steam, yana ihe niile achọrọ maka KDE na Kwin, Cinnamon, Pantheon, Xcfe.

Lieutenant Skat

Lieutenant Skat Lieutenant Skat Lieutenant Skat

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