Xournal++ is a hand note taking software written in C++ with the target of flexibility, functionality and speed.
Super produttività
Put a task into your project for today or schedule it to another day to keep your head free.
Keyboard centric notes.
Lifeograph is an off-line and private journal and note taking application for Linux desktops and Android.
It offers a rich feature set presented in a clean and simple user interface.
Stupidly simple notes app
Il modo più semplice per prendere appunti
The notes plugin provides you a quick way to paste text, to write down a list of things, to leave a note to your friend, or whatever you had do with Post-It’s.
Apri l'elenco delle cose da fare
A simple Todo and task management application
Un editore di Markdown per il 21 ° secolo
Applicazione per prendere appunti multipiattaforma