Agregore Browser

gambar loader
A minimal web browser for the distributed web.
- Enable people to make and use local first apps using the web
- Be minimal (fewer built-in features, leave more to the OS)
- Be open to anything p2p / decentralized / local-first
- Rely on web extensions for extra functionality
- Work with mesh networks / Bluetooth Low Energy networks
- Open links in new windows (right click on element)
- Find text on the page
- Autocomplete URLs from history (type in the URL bar, up/down to navigate, right to autocomplete)
- Persist open windows when quitting
- Web Extension support
- Save files from pages (any protocol, right click it)
- Set as default browser (click Set As Default in the menu bar)
New appimage is out!
New version is out 1.0.0-44
New version is out 1.0.0-47