
gambar loader
Bottles lets you run Windows software on Linux, such as applications and games. It introduces a workflow that helps you organize by categorizing each software to your liking. Bottles provides several tools and integrations to help you manage and optimize your applications.
- Use pre-configured environments as a base
- Change runners for any bottle
- Various optimizations and options for gaming
- Repair in case software or bottle is broken
- Install various known dependencies
- Integrated task manager to manage and monitor processes
- Backup and restore
Timeshift mirip karo aplikasi kaya rsnapshot, BackInTime lan TimeVault nanging kanthi tujuan sing beda. Iki dirancang kanggo nglindhungi mung file sistem lan setelan. File pangguna kayata dokumen, gambar lan musik ora kalebu. Iki mesthekake yen file sampeyan ora owah nalika sampeyan mulihake sistem menyang tanggal sadurunge.
ora ana app sing gegandhengan.