Nanging piranti lunak desktop remot liyane, ditulis ing Rust. Bisa metu saka kothak, ora ana konfigurasi sing dibutuhake. Sampeyan duwe kontrol lengkap kanggo data, tanpa kuwatir babagan keamanan. … dupeGuru minangka lintas-platformRustDesk
Warp allows you to securely send files to each other via the internet or local network by exchanging a word-based code. …dupeGuru minangka lintas-platformWarp
AlphaPlot is an open-source computer program for interactive scientific graphing and data analysis. It can generate different types of 2D and 3D plots (such as line, scatter, bar, pie, and surface plots) from data that is either imported from ASCII files, entered by hand, or using formulas. …dupeGuru minangka lintas-platformAlphaPlot