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A Bebas Dagang sistem operasi adhedhasar Manjaro Linux

We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS.
For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

bisa disesuaikan banget:

gampang kanggo nggunakake lan ngatur

the top bar is about 'activities', and the left bar is all about the apps and the search (plus workspaces)
Settings is the main control hub where you can change the volume, WiFi settings, display, bluetooth, devices, and so forth.
Tweaks is the place that allows you to customize the operating system: fonts, themes, icons, and more.
disk tools​
Partition, create, resize, encrypt, change format, checksum, or create bootable disks or USB flash drives with our built-in tools.
automated system backups
Every time the system updates, a backup is created with Timeshift without users setting up anything. Users can also tweak Timeshift to create backups at certain times.
files backup
With Deja-Dup you can easily create encrypted backups for all of your files to a local/external hard drive, or online, and schedule them daily or weekly.
add/remove software
Install or remove apps from the 'software center', together with managing all of the system and apps updates.

READY to use and personalize

we want to provide a minimal operating system and let the user personalize it the way they want to, but we want to make sure that TROMjaro is 'ready to use' even without users installing anything to it
Super cepet, prasaja, nanging kuat manager galeri foto lan panampil. Potong, muter, ngurutake, ngganti warna, luminositas, nggawe galeri, nambah tag, lsp.
Watch any type of video files and listen to any kind of audio files with our built-in player. Create playlists, select subtitles, audio tracks, and much more.​
Kanthi LibreOffice sing kuat, kabeh file dokumen bisa dibukak, digawe, diowahi. Spreadsheet, file PDF, Word, lan liya-liyane.
Ngakses jagad desentralisasi lan enggo bareng file, lan download / stream file video / audio sanajan sadurunge rampung ngundhuh.
browsing web tanpa dagang
Kita ngatur Firefox supaya bebas perdagangan, kanggo mblokir sebagian besar perdagangan online: koleksi data, nelusuri, iklan, geo-blocking, lsp. Saben uwong kudu bisa ngakses situs web (utawa makalah ilmiah) tanpa dagang apa-apa. . Ing ndhuwur iku kita mikir wong kudu diijini ndownload video, file audio lan foto saka situs web apa wae utawa nyimpen situs web kanggo panggunaan mengko utawa offline, lan kita nambahake alat kanggo pangguna kanggo nindakake.

We also enabled the decentralized DAT network inside Firefox so that 100% decentralized (no server needed) websites can be accessed via Firefox natively, together with a few trade-free search engines that are default in Firefox.
layar sampeyan
Trade-based services like Dropbox or Google Drive allow users to share large, but limited amounts of files between each other at a cost. TROMjaro allows users to share unlimited number of files between unlimited number of users, trade-free. There are no data caps, no data collection, and no servers. It is a decentralized way of sharing and syncing files between users (computers). Automatic file versioning detection and synchronization, together with file versioning control, are some of the several features included.​
TROMjaro users can communicate with each other in a fully decentralized manner - no servers required. That means, there can be no bans, moderation, rules and restrictions in place. You write whatever you want to whoever you want. There is no way for anyone to censor or restrict your conversations. On top of text-based-communications, you can call (video/audio), send files of any size, or create group chats. Your account is local and can be exported and imported to any messenger that supports the 'tox' protocol. A complete trade-free messenger!
Explore our and other planets with this wonderful application. Satellite view, temperature, climate, wind, regions, Earth at night or divided by tribes. You have access to ancient maps of the Earth (how humans thought the Earth looked like in the past), or the modern GPS-based maps that allows you to create routes from one location to another. From the depths of the ocean to how a natural world would look like without the human footprint, all of those are available trade-free, together with maps of Venus, the Moon, Mercury, Mars and other planets.
stay safe
Though the trade-free Bitmask application, you can connect to several VPN providers in order to access geo-restricted content and/or to protect your traffic from your Internet Provider. Bitmask works very well with Calyx, a trade-free VPN service offered by The Calyx Institute as part of its non-profit mission. Open Bitmask, click 'create new account', then click the '+' to add a new VPN. Write '' as the Domain, then click 'next'. Register an account with in the next page, and that's it. Remember your credentials. You can create as many accounts with as you want. Turn on the VPN. Now your traffic will be routed through the Calyx VPN.
a world of apps
Since the 'Add/Remove Software' also contains trade-based applications, we have created our own software center that only contains trade-free apps. We review and test all of these apps. We recommend that you install all of the apps from our software center in order to avoid trades.

As a side note: regardless from what software center you install the apps, they will always be managed via the Add/Remove Software.
Kabeh ing kabeh, program iki WAJIB! Ora ana distribusi Linux sing kudu dikirim tanpa. 2024 gambar loaderKabeh ing kabeh, program iki WAJIB! Ora ana distribusi Linux sing kudu dikirim tanpa. Kabeh ing kabeh, program iki WAJIB! Ora ana distribusi Linux sing kudu dikirim tanpa.Kabeh ing kabeh, program iki WAJIB! Ora ana distribusi Linux sing kudu dikirim tanpa.

Kita butuh 200 wong kanggo nyumbang 5 Euro saben wulan kanggo ndhukung TROM lan kabeh proyeke, ing salawas-lawase.