A small application to write .iso and .img files on a USB stick/key. It can also format them.
Timeshift mirip karo aplikasi kaya rsnapshot, BackInTime lan TimeVault nanging kanthi tujuan sing beda. Iki dirancang kanggo nglindhungi mung file sistem lan setelan. File pangguna kayata dokumen, gambar lan musik ora kalebu. Iki mesthekake yen file sampeyan ora owah nalika sampeyan mulihake sistem menyang tanggal sadurunge.
This really is the simplest application for the purpose it carries with it. If you want to simply format a USB stick or write an iso to a USB stick, then that’s all it offers. Nothing more, nothing less. Simply beautiful and functional.
This really is the simplest application for the purpose it carries with it. If you want to simply format a USB stick or write an iso to a USB stick, then that’s all it offers. Nothing more, nothing less. Simply beautiful and functional.