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The Pencil Project’s unique mission is to build a free and opensource tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use. …dupeGuru minangka lintas-platformPensil
Lumpat menyang isi gambar loadertrom gambar loader
Jitsi Meet is an open-source (Apache) WebRTC JavaScript application that uses Jitsi Videobridge to provide high quality, secure and scalable video conferences. Jitsi Meet in action can be seen at here at the session #482 of the VoIP Users Conference. …dupeGuru minangka lintas-platformJitsi Meet
Lumpat menyang isi gambar loadertrom gambar loader
Publii minangka CMS basis desktop kanggo Windows, Mac lan Linux sing nggawe situs web statis kanthi cepet lan ora repot, sanajan kanggo pamula. … dupeGuru minangka lintas-platformPublius