Change TLP settings easily.
Endeavour is an intuitive and powerful application to manage your personal tasks.
Resources is a simple yet powerful monitor for your system resources and processes, written in Rust and using GTK 4 and libadwaita for its GUI.
A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration.
Harness gravity with your crayon and set about creating blocks, ramps, levers, pulleys and whatever else you fancy to get the little red thing to the little yellow thing.
A secure workspace for your wikis and projects.
ღია კოდის დიდი ენების მოდელები, რომლებიც ადგილობრივად მუშაობს თქვენს CPU-ზე და თითქმის ნებისმიერ GPU-ზე
ADB მენეჯერი
The program is designed for visual and easy management of the ADB-Server and connection of Android smartphones.
GPU ეკრანის ჩამწერი
The fastest screen recorder for Linux.
გადამყვანი ახლა
The Unit Converter app: easy, immediate and multi-platform.