The ultimate comparison between TROMjaro and Windows. From how they deal with files, to how they allow you to browse the internet, to the installation process and more. This comparison tries to be as objective as possible. …კითხვის გაგრძელებაTROMjaro vs Windows (the defaults)
tromjaro videos: trade-free means…. We are releasing a series of videos about TROMjaro to showcase the importance of “trade-free”. Since TROMjaro is nothing without this “concept” behind it, we wantკითხვის გაგრძელებაTROMjaro videos: Trade-Free Means….
how to translate Aaron made a great video about how you can translate Because we want to keep this project as trade-free as possible, then we allow anyoneკითხვის გაგრძელებაHow to translate