жүктегіш кескіні


RELEASE 20.07.2020

This is mainly a release for updates purposes. A lot of updates pushed by the Manjaro team. On top of that a few additions/changes:

      • We added the following packages that we recommend you install: zfs-utils, apparmor, disable-tracker.
      • We updated the searx instances for Firefox. We will always do that to make sure the best are added to the list, but we won’t always list the ones we added since it does not make a big difference. We recommend you go to searx.space, and select whatever instance you would like (the ones on top are better) – click any, then use the URL’s menu (the 3 dots) to simple “add it”. It is super easy to add any searx instance in TROMjaro. As of this update we recommend https://searx.be/ as the main instance. To make it the default instance, go to Firefox’s menu -> preferences -> search.

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