жүктегіш кескіні




Buttercup is a құпия сөз менеджері – an assistant for helping you store all of your login credentials. Buttercup helps you keep your accounts safe and assists you when you want to log in – all you need to do is remember just one password: your master password.

This is the Desktop application in the Buttercup suite, and there’s also a mobile app Біз әдепкі бойынша орнатылған бірнеше қолданбалары бар өте қарапайым жұмыс үстелін сақтауға тырысамыз. Бірақ біз көптеген пайдаланушылар үшін маңызды болуы мүмкін екі жетіспейтінін сезіндік: browser extension so that you can access your credentials anywhere. You store your credentials (login information) in a secure archive, which can then be stored on your own computer or any of our supported cloud services (like Dropbox, for example).

Archives are encrypted using the AES specification, and cannot be read by anyone besides those with the master password. Brute-force decryption is not technically possible. You should not share your archive with anyone, but rest assured: your contents are safe.

Why you need software like Buttercup:

Many of us have 10s or 100s of accounts, and it would be crazy to secure these with 1 or 2 passwords. Why? If an attacker gains access to one of the systems you have an account with, your password there may be easily stolen – if an attacker gets this it’s highly likely they will try to log in to other accounts you have with the same password. If you’re using the same password on more than one site, you risk having several accounts stolen if any one of them is breached.

Buttercup helps you by remembering all of your passwords, and because you no longer have to remember them yourself, you can use different passwords for every single site.

Protecting your details:

Buttercup provides a secure way of storing your details, but it is only as secure as how you treat your master password and archive files.

Ensure that you never share your master password or use it anywhere other than with your archive. Never share or store your archive in a non-private environment. Always remember to make regular backups of your archive.

пікір қалдыру

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