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View .epub, .mobi, .azw, and .azw3 files. Foliate is based on Epub.js, and supports both two-page view and scrolled view. Customize font and line-spacing. Choose between light, sepia, dark, and invert mode, or add your own custom themes Easy navigation. View the table of contents, or use the find in book feature. Reading progress slider with chapter marks makes it easy to find your way through the book. Hover over the slider to see reading time left estimates. Quick dictionary lookup. Foliate uses metadata included in the eBook to determine which language to lookup. This feature is powered by Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Folate also supports Wikipedia lookup and Google Translate, as well as offline dictionaries via dictd. Add bookmarks, highlights, and notes. Foliate stores your reading progress, bookmarks, and annotations in your XDG data directory as plain JSON files, so you can export or sync them easily.

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