로더 이미지




A fast, fluent, light weight music player written in GTK4, with a beautiful, adaptive user interface, so named G4Music. It is also focusing on high performance, for those people who has huge number of songs.
  • Supports most music file types, samba and any other remote protocols (thanks to great GIO and GStreamer).
  • Fast loading and parsing thousands of music files in very few seconds.
  • Low memory usage for huge playlist with album covers, no thumbnail caches to store.
  • Sorts by album/artist/title or shuffle, supports full-text searching.
  • Supports embedded album art or external images as album cover, embedded can be exported.
  • Gaussian blurred cover as window background, follows GNOME 42 light/dark mode.
  • Supports drag-drop from GNOME Files, showing music in Files.
  • Supports audio peaks visualizer.
  • Supports gapless playback.
  • Supports ReplayGain track mode.
  • Supports pipewire audio sink.
  • Supports MPRIS control.
  • Only need less than 400KB to install it.

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저작권 © 2025년 TROM-Jaro. 판권 소유. | 간단한 페르소나캐치 테마

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