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Godot provides a huge set of common tools, so you can just focus on making your game without reinventing the wheel.
Godot is completely free and open-source under the very permissive MIT license. No strings attached, no royalties, nothing. Your game is yours, down to the last line of engine code.

Create games with ease using Godot’s unique approach to game development.

  • Nodes for all your needs. Godot comes with hundreds of built-in nodes that make game design a breeze. You can also create your own for custom behaviors, editors and much more.
  • Flexible scene system. Create node compositions with support for instancing and inheritance.
  • Visual editor with all the tools you need packed into a beautiful and uncluttered context-sensitive UI.
  • Friendly content creation pipeline for artists, level designers, animators and everyone in between.
  • Persistent live editing where changes are not lost after stopping the game. It even works on mobile devices!
  • Create your own custom tools with ease using the incredible tool system.

The brand new physically-based renderer comes with a ton of features that will make your games look incredible.

  • Innovative architecture that combines the best of forward rendering with the efficiency of deferred rendering.
  • Physically-based rendering with full MSAA support.
  • Full principled BSDF with subsurface scattering, reflection, refraction, anisotropy, clearcoat, transmittance and more.
  • Global illumination for real-time gorgeous graphics. It can also be pre-baked for beautiful results even on low-end devices.
  • Mid- and Post-processing effects including a new tonemapper that supports HDR, multiple standard curves and auto exposure, screen-space reflections, fog, bloom, depth of field and much more.
  • Easy-to-use shader language based on GLSL, with built-in editor and code completion.

Godot comes with a fully-dedicated 2D engine packed with features.

  • Work in pixels as your units, but scale to any screen size and aspect ratio.
  • Tile map editor with auto-tiling, rotation, custom grid shapes and multiple layers.
  • 2D lights and normal maps to give your 2D games a more realistic look.
  • Animate your games using cut-out or sprite-based animation.
  • Flexible kinematic controller for collision without physics.

The most flexible animation system.

  • Animate literally everything, from bones and objects to function calls.
  • Use custom transition curves and tweens to create incredible animations.
  • Helpers to animate 2D rigs, with skeletons and IK.
  • Efficient optimizer to pack imported 3D animations.

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