로더 이미지




Ksnip is a Qt based cross-platform screenshot tool that provides many annotation features for your screenshots.


  • Supports Linux (X11 and experimental KDE and Gnome Wayland support), Windows and MacOS.
  • Taking screenshot of a custom rectangular area that can be drawn with mouse cursor.
  • Taking screenshot of last selected rectangular area without selecting again.
  • Taking screenshot of the screen/monitor where the mouse cursor is currently located.
  • Taking screenshot of full screen, including all screens/monitors.
  • Taking screenshot of window that currently has focus.
  • Taking screenshot of window under mouse cursor.
  • Take screenshot with or without mouse cursor.
  • Capture mouse cursor as annotation item that can be moved and deleted.
  • Customizable capture delay for all capture options.
  • Upload screenshots directly to imgur.com in anonymous or user mode.
  • Command line support, for taking screenshot and saving it to default location, filename and format.
  • Customizable default location, filename and format for saving new screenshots with wildcards for Year ($Y), Month ($M), Day ($D) and Time ($T).
  • Print screenshot or save is to pdf/ps.
  • Annotate screenshots with pen, marker, rectangles, ellipses, texts and other tools.
  • Add watermarks to captured images.
  • Global HotKeys for taking Screenshots (Currently only for Windows and X11).
  • Many configuration options.

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