로더 이미지




Marker is a simple yet robust markdown editor for the linux desktop.

The primary goal of Marker is to provide a powerful document editing experience, without making assumptions about the workflow of the user. Marker’s base configuration is very simple, but it can be customized to meet the needs of any workflow!


  • Live HTML preview
  • Customizable CSS and Syntax themes
  • Support for KaTeX\KaTeX math formulas
  • Support for Mermaid flow charts, sequence diagrams, and gantt diagrams
  • Support for Charter line graphs, scatter plots, and bar graphs
  • Integrated sketch window for adding hand-drawn diagrams and signatures to documents.
  • Flexible export options
    • PDF
    • RTF
    • ODT
    • DOCX
    • LaTeX

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저작권 © 2024년 TROM-Jaro. 판권 소유. | 간단한 페르소나캐치 테마

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