로더 이미지




Pinta is a free, open source program for drawing and image editing. Its goal is to provide users with a simple yet powerful way to draw and manipulate images on Linux, Mac, Windows, and *BSD.

Drawing Tools
Use easy drawing tools to draw freehand, lines, rectangles, ellipses, and more.
Adjustments and Effects

Pinta includes over 35 adjustments and effects for tweaking your images.

Use Pinta in your language. Pinta is at least partially translated into over 55 languages.
Full History
Don’t be afraid to experiment, Pinta tracks your full history so you can always undo.
Multiple Layers
Use layers to help separate and group elements of your image for easy editing.
Your Workspace
Like docked windows? No problem. Floating windows? No problem. You can even mix and match.

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저작권 © 2025년 TROM-Jaro. 판권 소유. | 간단한 페르소나캐치 테마

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