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팝콘 시간

팝콘 시간

(나는 무엇을 거래하고 있습니까?)

Popcorntime started to be pushing ads about their VPN. They want a trade from you (your money) in return for privacy. Fortunately users can disable this ad from the app's settings.


Popcorn Time streams free movies and TV shows from torrents

Downloading copyrighted material may be illegal in your country. Use at your own risk.

Popcorn Time is a multi-platform, free software BitTorrent client that includes an integrated media player. The applications provide a free alternative to subscription-based video streaming services such as Netflix. Popcorn Time uses sequential downloading to stream video listed by several torrent websites, and third party trackers can also be added manually.

Great free Movies and TV Shows

Popcorn Time constantly searching all over the web for the best torrents from the most important sites.

No restrictions

Watch any movie or TV show as many times as you want. All you need to get started is a proper internet connection.

Awesome catalogue

If the movie or TV show is out there, Popcorn Time will find the best version possible and start streaming it right away.

The best quality

Watch your movie or episode instantly in HD and with subtitles. And then keep watching.

Save time for making popcorn

No wait or download time. Instant playback of your favorite free movies and TV shows.

2 "에 대한 생각팝콘 시간"

  1. This service is pretty amazing in that it is not geo-blocked or catalogue-restricted. It does lack “smart” content (documentaries), even though you can find a bunch of there as well. You can also stream torrents through Popcorn Time independently of their catalogue.

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