로더 이미지

꼬리표: 게임


KBlocks는 고전적인 떨어지는 블록 게임입니다. 아이디어는 떨어지는 블록을 쌓아 틈없이 수평선을 만드는 것입니다. 라인이 완성되면 라인이 제거되고 플레이 영역에서 더 많은 공간을 사용할 수 있습니다. 블록이 떨어질 공간이 충분하지 않으면 게임이 종료됩니다.
계속 읽기K블록


Bovo is a Gomoku (from Japanese 五目並べ – lit. “five points”) like game for two players, where the opponents alternate in placing their respective pictogram on the game board. (Also known as: Connect Five, Five in a row, X and O, Naughts and Crosses)
계속 읽기Bovo


KHangMan is a game based on the well-known hangman game. It is aimed at children aged six and over. The game has several categories of words to play with, for example: Animals (animals words) and three difficulty categories: Easy, Medium and Hard. A word is picked at random, the letters are hidden, and you must guess the word by trying one letter after another. Each time you guess a wrong letter, part of a picture of a hangman is drawn. You must guess the word before being hanged! You have 10 tries.
계속 읽기KHangMan

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