로더 이미지

비디오 매스

비디오 매스


It is a FLOSS, powerful, multitasking and cross-platform graphical user interface (GUI) for FFmpeg and yt-dlp. Designed for advanced and beginner users, it offers a wide range of features and functions, making it a comprehensive software solution.
Videomass is not just a common converter, it features file concatenation, time trimmer, ability to create thumbnails, tiled mosaics and animated giffs from movies; it has sophisticated GUIs for video filters, previews for video stabilization, resizing, croping, transposing, color equalization. It features PEAK, RMS and EBU audio normalization with streams indexing capabilities, a volume analyzer, audio preview and many more interesting features… For the people that are familiar with FFmpeg, it has a highly customizable preset manager with the possbility to easily make your own presets through the GUI and adapt this to your specific needs or create new presets using the FFmpeg command line. For less experienced people there are also ready-to-use presets. It offers out-of-the-box all possible file formats like MP4, M4V, M4A, MKV, AVI, OGV, WEBM, MP3, AC-3, WAV, OPUS, FLAC, OGG and encoders like MPEG-4, H.264/AVC, H.265/HEVC, VP8, VP9, LIBAOM-AVI, VORBIS, PCM, LAME, ALAC, etc. Also you can copy audio or video streams (lossless mode) without re-encoding, or extract audio from videos and much more!

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