로더 이미지




Webcamoid는 모든 기능을 갖춘 다중 플랫폼 웹캠 제품군입니다.
  • Cross-platform (GNU/Linux, Mac, Windows)
  • Take pictures and record videos with the webcam.
  • Manages multiple webcams.
  • Written in C++ and Qt.
  • Custom controls for each webcam.
  • Add funny effects to the webcam.
  • 60+ effects available.
  • Translated to many languages.
  • Use custom network and local files as capture devices.
  • Capture from desktop.
  • Many recording formats.
  • Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs.

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저작권 © 2025년 TROM-Jaro. 판권 소유. | 간단한 페르소나캐치 테마

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