RELEASE 10.04.2021
A few fixes and a few updates, notably the update to Gnome 40.
- With this ISO the sudoers problems was fixed and now you do not need any special permissions to run commands as “sudo” in the terminal.
- The Unite Extension seems to load from the get-go, so no need to restart the desktop anymore.
- We added our own instances to the Privacy Redirect Firefox extension so that anyone can visit instagram, youtube, twitter, or any search engine as trade-free. No need to trade your data/attention to use this services. To fully use our trade-free apps see pêşniyar dikin ku hûn çavê xwe li nûvekirinên me bigirin ji ber ku, carinan, dibe ku hûn hewce ne ku bi destan hin guhertinan bikin da ku TROMjaro bi heybet bimîne ;). Hûn dikarin
- Overall another stable update and no changes to TROMjaro, because we want TROMjaro to be a stable and familiar distro that simply works!
sepanên têkildar tune.