wêneyê barker

Em pêşniyar dikin ku hûn çavê xwe li nûvekirinên me bigirin ji ber ku, carinan, dibe ku hûn hewce ne ku bi destan hin guhertinan bikin da ku TROMjaro bi heybet bimîne ;). Hûn dikarin

RELEASE 14.07.2020

We have upgraded it fully to Gnome 40. A big change for Gnome. But not hugely visible for most users.

      • As said, we upgraded fully to Gnome 40. Now you can enjoy a faster desktop and a few changes in the Dash area. Poke it a bit see how it feels ;). From our tests everything works smoothly and we like the few visual tweaks Gnome added. The desktop feels a bit smoother and better polished.
      • We tweaked Firefox a bit more, and remove their “recommended” addons and pages. Go to Firefox – Settings and disable them if you are already a TROMjaro user.
      • We have removed the extension “Notifications Alert” and added “Gnome 40 UI Improvements” and enabled all of its settings except “Hide Search”. We think it is a good idea to have the search form visible by default.
      • For current TROMjaro users there might be a big with the Dash to Dock extension (the left side menu). If you see it behave strangely, please see ev about how to fix it (it is very simple).
    • That’s all. TROMjaro should remain stable and not changing, unless there is a very useful addition to be made.

Nivîskar: trom

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

Bersivek Bihêle

Navnîşana e-nameya we nayê weşandin. Zeviyên pêwîst têne nîşankirin *

Copyright © 2024 TROM-Jaro. Hemû maf parastî ne. | Simple Persona ji aliyêMijar Bigirin

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