RELEASE 20.02.2021
A few changes and a few updates. Here are the changes:
- A few tweaks to the Firefox New Tab.
- We replaced the System Monitor with Bikaranîna Gnome, since the latter is a lot more user friendly and easy to use.
- We replaced the Zafiro icon theme with the git version. This way we can push updates ourselves, whenever there are some new icon additions to the git package. Go Bi rastî Manjaro dikare wekî bê-bazirganî were dîtin ji ber ku ew daneyên mirovan berhev nakin, ji wan drav dixwazin da ku pergala xebitandina xwe bikar bînin, û hwd. Lêbelê ew di sazkirinên Manjaro yên xwerû yên wekî Steam, FreeOffice an Microsoft Office de serîlêdanên bazirganî-bazirganî pêşve dixin - û dibe ku pakêtên din jî. Van pakêtan tiştek ji mirovan dixwazin (bazirganek) - an drav, an dane, an baldarî. Ji ber vê yekê me hemî pakêtên weha rakirin û tenê pakêtên bê bazirganî (zêdetir lê zêde kirin) hiştin. Me di heman demê de gelek guheztinên xwerû yên belavokê jî kiriye da ku ew zûtir, bikarhêner-hevaltir, û hwd. Bi kêmanî bi dîtina me, ew e. and install it. The go to Tweaks and select it again. Done.
- We moved to a new repo location so make sure if you are a current user, to update your system.
Side note: on the first boot after the install, the Unite extension doesn’t load and so it is the case for Firefox’s settings. Either reboot the computer or refresh the desktop by pressing Alt + F2, write “r”, press enter. Or close Firefox and open it again. We do not know what causes this bug but it is easily fixable by simply restarting the computer, desktop, or Firefox. And it will work after that.
sepanên têkildar tune.