Sweeper helps to clean unwanted traces the user leaves on the system. It can remove cookies and clean out caches, for example. …Continue readingNivîstok
Qpdf Tools ji bo Ghostscript û Stapler navgînek Qt-ya hêsan-karanîna hêsan e, ku ji bikarhênerên normal re gengaz dike ku PDF-ên xwe îdare bikin. … Continue readingqpdftools
Hîdrojen ji bo GNU/Linux, Mac û Windows-ê makîneyek daholê ya pêşkeftî ye. Armanca sereke ew e ku meriv bernamesaziya drum-a-based a profesyonel lê sade û xwerû bîne. … Continue readingHîdrojen
VYM (View Your Mind) is a tool to generate and manipulate maps which show your thoughts. Such maps can help you to improve your creativity and effectivity. You can use them for time management, to organize tasks, to get an overview over complex contexts, to sort your ideas etc. …Continue readingNivîstok