Liq: Di TROM-Jaro de hûn dikarin bi hezaran û hezaran serlêdanan bibînin. Hema hema her serlêdana yekane ya ku ji bo Linux-ê heye di TROM-Jaro de di Nermalava Zêde / Rake de heye. Li ser vê rûpelê hûn ê bijartî bibînin
Harness gravity with your crayon and set about creating blocks, ramps, levers, pulleys and whatever else you fancy to get the little red thing to the little yellow thing. …Continue readingNumptyphysics
Dema ku hûn li dibistana navîn, zanîngehê, konservatuara muzîkê muzîkê dixwînin, bi gelemperî pêdivî ye ku hûn perwerdehiya guh bikin. GNU Solfege hewl dide ku bi vê yekê re bibe alîkar. … Continue readingsolfege
AlphaPlot is an open-source computer program for interactive scientific graphing and data analysis. It can generate different types of 2D and 3D plots (such as line, scatter, bar, pie, and surface plots) from data that is either imported from ASCII files, entered by hand, or using formulas. …Continue readingAlphaPlot
Parley is a vocabulary trainer. It helps you to memorize your vocabulary, for example when you are trying to learn a foreign language. …Continue readingParley