Liq: Di TROM-Jaro de hûn dikarin bi hezaran û hezaran serlêdanan bibînin. Hema hema her serlêdana yekane ya ku ji bo Linux-ê heye di TROM-Jaro de di Nermalava Zêde / Rake de heye. Li ser vê rûpelê hûn ê bijartî bibînin
Yet another remote desktop software, written in Rust. Works out of the box, no configuration required. You have full control of your data, with no concerns about security. …Continue readingRustDesk
Internet DJ Console is a project started in March 2005 to provide a powerful yet easy to use source-client for individuals interested in streaming live radio shows over the Internet using Shoutcast or Icecast servers. …Continue readingNivîstok