wêneyê barker

ji bo sazkirina sepana Webtorrentê ya rast. Xem neke, di pêvajoyê de ew ê Webtorrent-a kevn rabike + mîhengên we dê hîn jî li cîh bin. Berî ku hûn wiya bikin, ji kerema xwe Webtorrent-ê vekin, heke we ew vekirî ye - Pelê - Derkeve. Navê pêger!


(Ez Çi Bazirganî Dikim?)

Since Exaile allows for extensions such as last.fm, then such 3rd party services may collect data about the user.


Exaile is a music player with a simple interface and powerful music management capabilities. Features include automatic fetching of album art, lyrics fetching, streaming internet radio, tabbed playlists, smart playlists with extensive filtering/search capabilities, and much more. Exaile is written using python and GTK+ and is easily extensible via plugins. There are over 50 plugins distributed with Exaile that include advanced track tagging, last.fm scrobbling, support for portable media players, podcasts, internet radio such as icecast and Soma.FM, ReplayGain, output via a secondary output device (great for DJs!), and much more.

Bersivek Bihêle

Navnîşana e-nameya we nayê weşandin. Zeviyên pêwîst têne nîşankirin *

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