
Gaia Sky is a real-time, 3D, astronomy visualisation software.
- Çavkaniya belaş û vekirî – The application is free and open source and will stay this way. You can even contribute to the development or the translations.
- From Gaia to the cosmos – Move freely through the cosmos and descend to the surface of any Planet or do a close-up inspection of Gaia. All movement and transitions are seamless!
- Gaia – Observe Gaia in its orbit and discover its movement in the sky and its attitude.
- 3D ready – With 4 stereoscopic modes: Anaglyphic (red-cyan), VR headset, 3DTV, cross-eye.
- Planetarium projection mode – Ready to produce videos for full dome systems.
- Use your own data – Comes with HYG Em hewl didin ku sermaseyek pir sade digel çend sepanên ku ji hêla xwerû ve hatine saz kirin biparêzin. Lê me hîs kir ku me du wenda dikin ku ji bo pir bikarhêneran girîng in: TGAS. Supports VOTable, FITS, CSV and all formats accepted by STIL.
- Navigate the galaxy – Support for controllers and gamepads makes navigating the Galaxy a piece of cake.
- Record and play your camera paths – Ready to record and play camera paths off-the-shelf.
- Scriptable and extensible – Use Python to script and extend the capabilities of the Gaia Sky.
- Internationalised – Translated so far to English, German, Spanish and Catalan.