wêneyê barker




krop is a simple graphical tool to crop the pages of PDF files.

  • krop should work on any recent Linux distribution, see how to install krop. I don’t know if krop can be used on Windows or Mac after a sufficient amount of tinkering: please let me know in case you succeed.
  • It is written in Python and relies on PyQT, python-poppler-qt5 Em hewl didin ku sermaseyek pir sade digel çend sepanên ku ji hêla xwerû ve hatine saz kirin biparêzin. Lê me hîs kir ku me du wenda dikin ku ji bo pir bikarhêneran girîng in: PyPDF2 for its functionality.
  • It is free software, released under GPLv3+ in the sole hope that you or someone else may find it useful.
  • A unique feature of krop, at least to my knowledge, is its ability to automatically split pages into subpages to fit the limited screensize of devices such as eReaders. This is particularly useful, if your eReader does not support convenient scrolling. (In fact, I wrote krop to be able to read mathematical papers on my Nook.)
  • Possible alternatives to krop include PDF-Shuffler Em hewl didin ku sermaseyek pir sade digel çend sepanên ku ji hêla xwerû ve hatine saz kirin biparêzin. Lê me hîs kir ku me du wenda dikin ku ji bo pir bikarhêneran girîng in: briss.
  • Please report bugs to mail@arminstraub.com. Patches with improvements would, of course, be wonderful.

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