A secure workspace for your wikis and projects.
Beaver Notes
Welcome to Beaver Notes, a privacy-focused note-taking application.
Buho is a note-taking application that lets you write the computer equivalent of sticky notes.
The Nota text editor features a simple interface by default.
Serlêdana pirplatformê, ku niha ji bo linux, windows, macOS û android-ê heye, ku dihêle hûn bi rengek aqilmend notan bigirin, hûn dikarin dema ku hûn dinivîsin deng tomar bikin, û dîsa lê guhdarî bikin û bibînin ka we ji bo her saniyeyek deng çi nivîsandiye.
Subsurface can plan and track single- and multi-tank dives using air, Nitrox or TriMix.
Serlêdanek xêzkirinê ya hêsan a çêkirina notên destnivîsar.
VNote is a Qt-based, free and open source note-taking application, focusing on Markdown now. VNote is designed to provide a pleasant note-taking platform with excellent editing experience.
Di TROM-Jaro de hûn dikarin bi hezaran û hezaran serlêdanan bibînin. Hema hema her serlêdana yekane ya ku ji bo Linux-ê heye di TROM-Jaro de di Nermalava Zêde / Rake de heye. Li ser vê rûpelê hûn ê bijartî bibînin
Enjoy a distraction-free writing experience, including a full screen mode and a clean interface. With Markdown, you can write now, and format later.
Trilium Notes is a hierarchical note taking application with focus on building large personal knowledge bases.