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Categoria: apps


Appellatio est ubi mathematicam similem personam normalem facis. Permittit tibi typus quidquid vis ac acriter figurat quod est math et responsum in dextra parte respuit. Tunc potes illas responsiones plug in futuris aequationibus et si haec responsio mutatur, sic aequationes quas usus est in ... WindowsLink


F3D is a VTK-based 3D viewer following the KISS principle, so it is minimalist, efficient, has no GUI, has simple interaction mechanisms and is fully controllable using arguments in the command line. … WindowsF3D


Drumstick is a set C++ MIDI libraries using Qt5 objects, idioms and style. It contains a C++ wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface; ALSA sequencer provides software support for MIDI technology on Linux. A complementary library provides classes for SMF (Standard MIDI files: .MID/.KAR), Cakewalk (.WRK), and Overture (.OVE) file formats processing. … WindowsDrumstick


Pragha is a Lightweight Music Player for GNU/Linux, based on Gtk, sqlite, and completely written in C, constructed to be fast, light, and simultaneously tries to be complete without obstructing the daily work. 😉 … WindowsPragha

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