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Commendamus ut oculum in nostris updates teneas, quandoquidem interdum necesse est ut manually aliquas mutationes ut TROMjaro horribilis custodiat;). Potes subscribe per RSS vel EMAIL ad notificationes de nostris emissionibus accipiendis.

TROMjaro XFCE incipit!

Alia hebdomada, alia renovatio. Rerum mutavimus:

  • We removed the TROMjaro GDM theme. This is basically the “log in” screen theme that Dave helped to build, but since Dave cannot help with TROMjaro anymore and the theme was not updated in months, resulting in some visual artifacts, we recommend that you remove it. Simply go to Add/Remove Software and search for “tromjaro-gdm-theme” and remove it. Do not worry, the log in screen will look almost the same as before.
  • The login screen may display a big TROMjaro logo. The updates we pushed should remove that logo. If, after a restart and the latest updates, you still see that logo there and you hate it, open the terminal and paste this line “sudo rm /usr/share/icons/manjaro/maia/tromjaro-logo.png” – enter, then add your password and enter again. Should be gone now.
  • Reversi sumus ad iconem fasciculi originalis Zafiro. Vade ad paginam iconem Zafiro hic, and install it. It will automatically remove the “bad” Zafiro icon theme and install the good one. If you can’t see the changes go to your Tweaks, select a different icon pack, then select Zafiro again. Done.
  • We installed the “pamac-gnome-integration” package. This allows for users to right click any app in the side bar or the app menu, and then “show details” to open that app in the Software Center. It is an easy way to see more info about an app or uninstall an app.

This is a very small update to fix an issue with WebTorrent that didn’t allow for users to change anything in ‘preferences’. And because of that torrent files were downloaded in the ‘temp’ folder creating a lot of mess. That folder is ‘temporary’ so whatever one downloaded there it would have been deleted soon. Also, other apps would not have been able to work properly since the ‘tmp’ folder would have been full. Nevertheless we opted in for a different webtorrent version. So, the only thing one has to do is to go to Webtorrent page hic to install the proper Webtorrent app. Don’t worry, in the process it will remove the old Webtorrent + your settings will still be in place. Before you do this, please quit Webtorrent if you have it open – File – Quit. That’s all!

Since the previous release some updates broke TROMjaro’s desktop environment a bit. To make sure you update TROMjaro properly please read hoc Commentarium. This update is mainly for ‘update’ reasons but we also changed and added a few things here and there. We will not list the changes that are already listed in the article above, so please read that if you want to see what we updated to fix the desktop. . NOTE: There is a minor bug with the latest ISOs – the extension ‘unite’ is deactivated when you first boot the system after a fresh install. To fix it, press Alt+F2, write ‘r’ (just the letter), and enter. That’s all.

This release is mostly (almost all of it) about ‘updates’. We are trying to release a new TROMjaro ISO every month so that new users get to test and install an updated version of TROMjaro. Past users get these updates automatically. However, on top of these updates we may push little changes that we will always list with the release. For this release we did the following:


  • Enabled the pinch-to-zoom in Firefox for touchscreen devices. If you already have a touchscreen device we recommend you do that too since it greatly improves the zoom ability for websites. Go to about:config (write that in the URL bar) and search for ‘setting apz.allow_zooming’. Click it to enable it.
  • We added a new Gnome Extension: “Zorin Screen Cantiones Button” to easily access the virtual keyboard when you are using a tablet-computer.

Haec renovatio praecipue agit de custodiendo TROM-Jaro updated pro iis qui eam de integro instituere volunt. A tempore usque ad tempus iso renovabimus causa renovationis TROM-Jaro habendi rationes securitatis et convenientiae. Tamen super illud addimus / emendavit sequentia:

  • adiecit nucleus vivus package to make sure that when people update the kernel, the update won’t break the current session. Normally it is recommended to restart the computer after a kernel update, but with this package it is not necessary to do that unless you want to use the new kernel updates. Previous TROM-Jaro users can click the above URL and install the package.
  • Switched ad novam Kernel 5.4 LTS. Hoc est longum tempus nucleum Support (LTS). Rarus eventus singulis annis accidit. Commendamus nos veteres TROM-Jaro utentes renovare ad novum nucleum. Facillimum est. install manjaro-settings-manager (another new package that we added to this new ISO). Open it. Go to ‘Kernel’. Then, where it says kernel 5.4 (xx) LTS, click install.
    Once the installation is complete simply reboot the computer. That’s all.
  • Addimus a * Sanus Switcher Extensio gnome sic facilius est mutare sonum output (oratorum/headphones) et sonum input (microphone) directe a summo vecte dextrum. Praecedentes TROM-Jaro utentes deprime possunt superius URL, deinde id fac.
  • Nos reposuimus Volumen Scroll Gnome extensio cum Scrollol quod Scrollol melius esse / updated. Idem faciunt, utentes utentes mutare volumen in summo vecte scrolling. Scrolvol solum operatur cum librum in summo iure (indices) partem vectis supremi. Conemur facere cum tota vectis culmen in futurum operari. Praecedentes TROM-Jaro utentes possunt simpliciter distrahere Volumen Scroll extensionis et facere Scrolvol.
  • We made WebTorrent open the video files that it cannot play, with SMplayer by default, instead of VLC. This is a bug in WebTorrent that doesn’t let you change the default player from its preferences so we had to do it manually. Previous TROM-Jaro users can do that by navigating to Home/.config/WebTorrent (if you can’t find the folder press Ctrl + H to see the hidden folders) and simply edit the file called ‘config.json’ with the default text editor. At the line ‘externalPlayerPath’: ” addere / usr / bin / smplayer ut is vultus amo ‘externalPlayerPath’: ‘/usr/bin/smplayer’. Save and that’s it.
  • Addimus fasciculos aliquot et usitatas ad Firefox confis ut TROM-Jaro melius operandum cum machinis touchscreen. Autorotatio seu gestus tactus ad Firefox quaedam sunt ex melioramentis adiectis. Si iam utens TROM-Jaro et habeas touchscreen fabrica, utere nostro Curabitur auxilium sic nos adiuvare possumus has mutationes facere.

Maior haec missio est quia omnia post re-constituimus quomodo TROMjaro in fine posteriori creatur. Non multum mutata est in utentes anteriores finem, nisi ut ad novum repositorium transmigrent.


Quid nos emendavimus?

Omnes nostri TROMjaro consilii nunc est GitLab gratias agere Dave qui sicut delirus laboravit ut TROMjaro recte instituta et operata faceret. Super hoc paucas fasciculos ex AUR addidimus et nonnullas ex nostris fecimus maxime notare Manjaro nostro proprio TROMjaro sapore. GDM, GRUB, Installer, omnes TROM odorem habent!


Essentialiter hoc fecimus;

  • Remota Manjaro notans et reposuit cum notans TROM.
  • Repositorium nostrum ad TROM Cloud movit et nunc speculi indice potius quam simplici URL utemur. Hoc modo, repositorium nostrum ex TROM Cloud recte administrare possumus et multa repositoria addere, si unus sit deorsum, alius operabitur.
  • We made an ‘app’ for our TROM Cloud that now resides in our repo – this is mainly for our TROM Teams.
  • We now store the Gnome settings in ‘schema’ files on GitLab in order to fix a major bug: previously if the user selected the language, timezone, keyboard layout and so forth on installation, all of these settings would have been rewritten after the installation was done. No more! We also used to drag a lot of Gnome Settings garbage with how we used to store the Gnome Settings in the past. No more!
  • Errorem figimus cum Gnome Tweaks qui omnes Gnome extensiones in usuario concludere debilitaverunt.
  • Morem lapsus addimus pro instrumento TROMjaro descriptis quid sit TROMjaro de omnibus et paulum de idea commercii liberorum.
  • Nunc utimur pro defectu Gnome apps categorisationi pro TROMjaro ita ut quaelibet app ad proprium folder post installationem perveniat.
  • Because we realized that the last iso was too minimal and not-so-computer-savvy-users found it difficult to use it without installing a bunch of apps, we made sure that this time, most of the user’s needs are covered. We installed applications that allow users to open the most common files (audio, video, photo, documents, torrents). You can find the list on our new TROMjaro homepage https://www.tromjaro.com/.
  • We tweaked Firefox a bit, removed some extensions and added a few others. Most notably, we implemented the DAT decentralized network into Firefox by default, which allows people to open .dat websites ‘natively’.

Quid prior users facere?

First of all, you have to understand that we want a TROMjaro that doesn’t change from one release to another. We want to create the foundation of a house and let the user put the furniture in and all of that. Make it comfy for themselves. But we needed to do this foundation properly and we think that now we got it. So that’s how TROMjaro will look like from now on, as this last iso is.


Ut id faceres;

  1. Reconditorium update database. Vade ad Add/Remove Software quod deprime puga pyga menu. Tunc click Renovare Database:

  2. It will ask you for your password then it will update the repositories. After it is done search for ‘tromjaro-mirrorlist’ in the Add/Remove Software. Find it and install it. That should be it! Close the Add/Remove Software then open it again- Refresh the databases one more time. Now you have access to the new TROMjaro repository.

Quid aliud facias? Uti notans consuetudinis nostrae, quaedam figmenta fecimus et retis DAT, sequentia instituunt (quaerere eas in Add/Remove Software);

  • tromjaro-gdm-theme
  • tromjaro-gnome-testa-fix
  • grub-theme-tromjaro
  • dat vulpes adiutorium

Summatim pro prior users:

  • Mutavimus ubi conditorium nostrum residet ut renovatio illa placet.
  • TROMjaro notans nonnulla adiecimus, ut id etiam ad rationem vestram addere possis.
  • Pauculas apps defaltas addimus quae in tromjaro.com paginam protocollum invenire potes unde eas etiam instituere si vis.
  • We removed/added some Firefox extensions – all of the default extensions are listed on the same tromjaro.com homepage (click any extension to install it if you desire).

That’s all! We are available on TROMjaro Support Chat si opus est nobis.


In hac emissione purgavimus-distributionem paulum et subsidia davimus applicationes directe ex tromjaro.com instituendo. Putavimus, quia nunc eximius est facilis ad institutionem nostram tradendi-liberi instrumenti e situ, parum nobis prodest, multas applicationes per defaltam instituere. ISO quam minimum servare volumus et homines diiudicant quales applicationes in systemate suo constituto volunt. Tantum servavimus applicationes fundamentales et maxime functiones quae ratio pendet, ut tergum, occasus et tweaks, et similia.

In brevitis:

  • Remota / Firefox additamenta pauca addidit. Posthac tantum adiungamus praecipuas additamenta Firefox quae usores ab artificiis interretialibus quos tueri coguntur tuentur. Itaque praeconia et elit claudunt + vasa scientifica reseranda quae post paywalls latent. Firefox additamenta ad tromjaro.com/apps nostro addere incipiemus ita tractamus, sicut principalem distributionem tractamus, eodem fine in mente: utentes eligent quomodo eorum Firefox mos est.
  • Fasciculum applicationum e systematis amovimus, sicut LibreOffice, Webtorrent et similibus, solum in loco principaliores relinquentes.
  • Extensiones gnomae paucas removimus quia etiam in pagina tromjaro.com/apps eas curare/recommendare incipiemus. Sit elige user!
  • Subsidium addimus ad applicationes ex tromjaro.com/apps installandi vel cuiuslibet website quod ad efficiendum illud vult. Hic sarcina est quae pro tali pluma concedit.
  • Fasciculi aliquot removimus ut leviores distribuerentur, notans aliquas Manjaro inclusas.
  • Altiore magnitudinem ISO ab 2.2GB ad 1.6GB redegerunt.
  • 3 plura loca addimus.

Ad proximam remissionem intendimus Occasus gnome condere multo meliore modo ut figurae institutiones (lingua, claviaturae, locus et hora) supra scripta non sint sicut nunc sunt. Distri- tiones quoque nostras adjiciemus. Utrumque hoc facere voluimus propter hanc liberationem, sed non habuimus potestatem facere illis :D.

NOTA: For previous TROM-Jaro users there is nothing special you have to do except updating the TROMrepo (since we removed some packages) – open the terminal and copy paste ‘sudo pacman -Syu’ – enter, then add your password. Second, add this line in the terminal ‘sudo pacman -Syu pamac-url-handler –overwrite /usr/bin/pamac-url-handler’ (enter) – so that you better enable the support for the web-installer. That’s all.

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Necesse est nobis CC homines ad mensem quinque nummi donare ut TROM et omnibus eius inceptis in perpetuum faveamus.