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Simple interface. Powerful music management. Smart Playlists. Advanced track tagging. Automatic album art. Lyrics. Streaming Radio. Podcasts. Secondary output device support. Easily extensible with 50+ plugins available. … Wiessel op InhaltExil


TiddlyWiki is a personal wiki and a non-linear notebook for organising and sharing complex information. It is an open-source single page application wiki in the form of a single HTML file that includes CSS, JavaScript, and the content. It is designed to be easy to customize and re-shape depending on application. It facilitates re-use of content by dividing it into small pieces called Tiddlers. … Wiessel op InhaltTiddlyWiki


Dëst ass wierklech déi einfachst Applikatioun fir den Zweck et mat sech bréngt. Wann Dir einfach en USB Stick wëllt formatéieren oder en ISO op en USB Stick schreiwen, dann ass dat alles wat et bitt. Näischt méi, näischt manner. Einfach schéin a funktionell. … Wiessel op InhaltMintstick

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