Jitsi Meet ass eng Open-Source (Apache) WebRTC JavaScript Applikatioun déi Jitsi Videobridge benotzt fir héichqualitativ, sécher a skalierbar Videokonferenzen ze bidden. Jitsi Meet an Aktioun kann hei op der Sessioun #482 vun der VoIP Benotzerkonferenz gesi ginn. … Wiessel op InhaltJitsi Meet
The notes plugin provides you a quick way to paste text, to write down a list of things, to leave a note to your friend, or whatever you had do with Post-It’s. …Wiessel op InhaltNotizen
Session is an end-to-end encrypted messenger that removes sensitive metadata collection, and is designed for people who want privacy and freedom from any forms of surveillance. …Wiessel op InhaltSessioun Messenger