



Natron ass e mächtege Digital Compositor deen all Är 2D/2.5D Bedierfnesser handhaben kann. Seng robust OIIO Dateiformate an OpenFX Architektur ass wat Natron de flexibelsten Open Source Compositor fir d'visuell Effektgemeinschaft mécht. Seng Interface a funktionell sinn d'selwecht iwwer all Plattformen wéi macOS, Linux a Windows. Natron huet e mächtege Keying, Roto / Rotopaint, 2D Tracking Tools, déi fir all aktuell Filmproduktiounsprojet entscheedend sinn, déi visuell Effekter erfuerderen.
On the surface Natron has a powerful GUI interface that is a flexible and intuitive multi-platform node based engine. Natron may seem to be a simple compositing application but it does have layers of complexity that will allow your creativity to reach new heights. Natron has flexible Roto and Rotopaint tool-set that can generate unlimited layers of masks, mattes and shapes. Natron has a powerful 2D and Planar tracker to help reduce hours of rotoscoping to meet personal or client deadlines. It has some strong keying or matte generation tools that has been developed from the main OFX software developers and a plethora of tools from the open source plugin developing community.

Auteur: trom

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

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