Vun Bylinetarme an Zafiro Symboler25. November 2023 Shotwell INSTALLÉIEREN DESKRIPTIOUN: Shotwell is a personal photo manager.tromm 1Import from disk or cameraOrganize by time-based Events, Tags (keywords), Folders, and moreView your photos in full-window or fullscreen modeCrop, rotate, color adjust, straighten, and enhance photosSlideshowVideo and RAW photo support Ähnlech Apps: GIMP Wiessel op Inhalt DigiKam Photo Collage
After testing multiple photo album programs, Shotwell seems to be by far the best: easy to use, intuitive, fast, modern. Dëst ass den offiziellen TROM-Jaro Ikon Set. Mir benotzen et, net entwéckelen, obwuel mir probéieren den Entwéckler finanziell an technesch z'ënnerstëtzen. Dës Websäit benotzt datselwecht Ikonthema. Mir hunn dëst Ikonthema gewielt well et sou "schéin" ass - einfach, keng "schreiend" Faarwen, flaach, skalierbar (also ganz héich Qualitéit), an den Entwéckler ass aktiv.
After testing multiple photo album programs, Shotwell seems to be by far the best: easy to use, intuitive, fast, modern.