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Diffuse is a graphical tool for merging and comparing text files. Diffuse is able to compare an arbitrary number of files side-by-side and gives users the ability to manually adjust line matching and directly edit files. Diffuse can also retrieve revisions of files from Bazaar, CVS, Darcs, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, RCS, Subversion, and SVK repositories for comparison and merging.

Some key features of Diffuse:

  • Ability to compare and merge an arbitrary number of files side-by-side (n-way merges)
  • Line matching can be manually corrected by the user
  • Ability to directly edit files
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Bazaar, CVS, Darcs, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, RCS, Subversion, and SVK support
  • Unicode support
  • Unlimited undo
  • Easy keyboard navigation

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