Kronometer is a stopwatch application.
Kairo dokas
Cairo-Dock is a desktop interface that takes the shape of docks, desklets, panel, etc.
dėl oro
Daily and hourly weather data that can be viewed in flat and dynamic views.
KTimer is a little tool to execute programs after some time.
Simple app to scan QR codes on screen and from camera, the result is in your clipboard.
Catfish is an advanced file searching tool for Linux and Unix.
OCR maitinamas ekrano kopijų įrankis, skirtas fiksuoti tekstą, o ne vaizdus.
Barrier is software that mimics the functionality of a KVM switch, which historically would allow you to use a single keyboard and mouse to control multiple computers by physically turning a dial on the box to switch the machine you’re controlling at any given moment.
File Shredder
Raider is a simple shredding program.
Kontrast yra spalvų kontrasto tikrintuvas ir nurodo, ar jūsų spalvų deriniai yra pakankamai skirtingi, kad būtų įskaitomi ir pasiekiami.