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With Converseen you can convert, resize, rotate and flip an infinite number of images with a mouse click. Converseen can supports more than 100 image formats including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, TIFF and many others. Here is the full list.

What can I do with Converseen?

  • Carry out a single or a multiple conversion.Resize one or multiple images.
  • Compress images for your web pages.
  • Rotate and flip images.
  • Rename a bunch of images using a progressive number or a prefix/suffix.
  • Selecting a resampling filter to resize images.
  • Convert an entire PDF to a bunch of images
  • Extract an image from a Windows icon file (*ico)

1 galvojau apieConverseen

  1. This is perhaps the go-to software on Linux for converting/editing imagines in batch – it provides so many options for images that it perhaps cover all needs.

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