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„Windows 11“ prieš „TROMjaro“

tromjaro vs windows 11

We have compared Windows 10 vs TROMjaro a while ago but this time we will compare the new Windows 11 with TROMjaro to see if anything changed to Windows 11. I (Tio) got so tired while doing this so I am sorry that I made them very boring again but I have a lot of other things to do for our projects than such videos. In any case the comparison I think is unique as we go in depth about file formats support and other things like that.

01. diegimo procesas

Kaip lengva įdiegti bet kurią iš šių operacinių sistemų? Kaip greitai? Pažiūrėkime:

Windows is still a pain in the ass to install. TROMjaro is as fast as before and so much easier to install and so so so much faster. Windows 11 loses big time here.

02. tvarkyti bylas

First thing that users may do on their Operating System is to deal with their files. Maybe they have documents, photos, videos, music, and so forth and they simply want to interact with them. Open, do simple editing, galleries and such. I chose a few of the most popular files 2. tvarkyti bylas

As with our previous comparison, Windows does much worse than TROMjaro. We tested a lot more files this time.

03. APPS AND browsing the internet

Most people browse the Internet where probably most of their computer activity is happening. They watch videos online, read, communicate, search, and more. But how is the experience out of the box on Windows or TROMjaro? And what about installing applications?

As before, installing apps on TROMjaro is light years ahead of Windows. Much faster and much easier. And secure. Windows is a pain in the ass overall.

Autorius: tromas

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

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