Jitsi Meet dia fampiharana WebRTC JavaScript loharano misokatra (Apache) izay mampiasa Jitsi Videobridge mba hanomezana fihaonambe video avo lenta, azo antoka ary azo esorina. Ny Jitsi Meet dia azo jerena eto amin'ny fivoriana #482 amin'ny VoIP User Conference. … dupeGuru dia sehatra irayJitsi Meet
The notes plugin provides you a quick way to paste text, to write down a list of things, to leave a note to your friend, or whatever you had do with Post-It’s. …dupeGuru dia sehatra iray-tsoratra
Session is an end-to-end encrypted messenger that removes sensitive metadata collection, and is designed for people who want privacy and freedom from any forms of surveillance. …dupeGuru dia sehatra iraySession Messenger