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This really is the simplest application for the purpose it carries with it. If you want to simply format a USB stick or write an iso to a USB stick, then that’s all it offers. Nothing more, nothing less. Simply beautiful and functional.
GNOME System Monitor
System Monitor is a tool to manage running processes and monitor system resources.
GNOME Calculator
Calculator is an application that solves mathematical equations and is suitable as a default application in a Desktop environment.
Firewall Configuration
One of the easiest firewalls in the world!
Celluloid (formerly GNOME MPV) is a simple GTK+ frontend for mpv.
GParted Partition Editor
GParted is a free partition editor for graphically managing your disk partitions.
Kapila GNOME
GNOME Disks, gnome-disk-image-mounter and gsd-disk-utility-notify are libraries and applications for dealing with storage devices.
Disk Usage Analyzer
Disk Usage Analyzer is a graphical application to analyse disk usage in any Gnome environment.
Zafiro Icons
Minimalist icons created with the flat-desing technique, utilizing washed out colors and always accompanied by white.