whakapakoko utauta

Tauranga Kairo

Cairo DOck


Cairo-Dock is a desktop interface that takes the shape of docks, desklets, panel, etc

It is designed to be light, fast and customizable, and is desktop-agnostic.

It has a powerful DBus interface, to be controlled from a terminal or another application. Features can be added by plug-ins or applets, and applets can be written in C or in any language. Most actions can be done from keyboard.

Waiho he Whakautu

Ka kore e whakaputaina to wahitau imeera. Kua tohua nga mara e hiahiatia ana *

Mana pupuri © 2024 TROM-Jaro. Katoa nga Motika. | Tangata ngawari naHopu Kaupapa

Me 200 nga tangata ki te koha 5 Euro ia marama hei tautoko i a TROM me ana kaupapa katoa, mo ake tonu atu.