Ko te F3D he kaitirotiro 3D-VTK e whai ana i te maapono KISS, no reira he iti, he pai, kahore he GUI, he ngawari nga tikanga taunekeneke me te tino whakahaere ma te whakamahi i nga tautohetohe kei te raina whakahau.
It is open-source and cross-platform (tested on Windows, Linux, and macOS). It supports a range of file formats, rendering and texturing options.
Here is the list of supported file formats:
- .vtk : the legacy VTK format
- .vt[p|u|r|i|s|m] : XML based VTK formats
- .ply : Polygon File format
- .stl : Standard Triangle Language format
- .dcm : DICOM file format
- .nrrd/.nhrd : “nearly raw raster data” file format
- .mhd/.mha : MetaHeader MetaIO file format
- .tif/.tiff : TIFF 2D/3D file format
- .ex2/.e/.exo/.g : Exodus 2 file format
- .gml : CityGML file format
- .pts : Point Cloud file format
- .obj : Wavefront OBJ file format (full scene)
- .gltf/.glb : GL Transmission Format (full scene)
- .3ds : Autodesk 3DS Max file format (full scene)
- .wrl : VRML file format (full scene)
Hi, F3D dev here, thanks for using F3D !
Thanks for making it!