Te wa paopao

Ko te taupānga tuhi tuhipoka e pa ana ki raro kaore e ngote.
I couldn’t find a note-taking app that ticked all the boxes I’m interested in: notes are written and rendered in GitHub-flavored Markdown, no WYSIWYG, no proprietary formats, I can run a search & replace across all notes, notes support attachments, the app isn’t bloated, the app has a pretty interface, tags are indefinitely nestable and can import Evernote notes (because that’s what I was using before).
Na ka hanga e ahau taku ake.
Kaitakaro Sayonara
- Karekau he whakatakotoranga rangatira: Ko te mea rongonui he pito-mua noa mo te kōpaki kua hangahia ki runga ake nei. Ko nga tuhipoka he konae Markdown maamaa, kei te rongoa o raatau metadata hei take o mua a Markdown. Ko nga taapiri he konae maamaa, mena ka whakapirihia e koe he pikitia.jpg ki te tuhipoka ka tiakina nga mea katoa e pa ana ki a ia, ka noho tonu te uru pera me etahi atu konae.
- Etita tika: Karekau he kaiwhakamahara WYSIWYG, ka tuhi noa koe i etahi Markdown ka puta ko te Markdown-flavored GitHub. Ko te ētita i hangaia ko Monaco Editor, ko te mea ano e whakamahia ana e te Waehere VS, ko te tikanga ka whiwhi koe i nga mea penei i te pehu maha ma te taunoa. Mena kei te hiahia koe ki nga ahuatanga whakatika matatau me te pokatata kotahi ka taea e koe te whakatuwhera i te tuhipoka o naianei i roto i to kaiwhakatika Markdown taunoa.
- Nga tohu kohanga kore mutunga: He rerekee nga momo tono tuhipoka katoa i waenga i nga pukatuhi, nga tohu me nga tauira. Ko IMHO tenei ka whakararu i nga mea. I roto i te Notable ka taea e koe te whai tohu pakiaka (foo), nga tohu kohanga kore mutunga (foo/bar, foo/…/qux) kei te tautoko tonu i nga pukatuhi me nga tauira, he tohu motuhake noa me te tohu rereke (Notebooks/foo, Templates/foo /pae).