whakapakoko utauta




Ko te whai a Siphon ki te hanga i runga i nga turanga o te tūmataiti, te waitohu, me te wheako kaiwhakamahi
in an effort to pull others away from proprietary chat platforms to the matrix protocol.

Matrix has the potential to be a standardized peer-to-peer chat protocol, and in a way already is, that allows people to communicate and control their conversation data. Email has been standardized in this way for a long time. For example, someone using Outlook can still email someone using Gmail. Most popular proprietary chat platforms do not adhere to a federated or decentralized protocol, and as a result have too much control over users data.

If the goal for Matrix is adoption, a network effect is required for this paradigm shift. Syphon makes the bet that the best way to attract new users is through strong branding and user experience. I hope that contributing and maintaining Syphon will help kick start this process and help those in need.

Syphon will always be a not for profit, community driven application.
  • no analytics. period.
  • no proprietary third party services
    • iOS will have APNS support, but will be made clear to the user
  • all data is AES-256 encrypted at rest
  • E2EE for direct chats using Olm/Megolm
  • all indicators of presence are opt-in only (typing indicators, read receipts, etc)
  • customize themes and colors throughout the app

Waiho he Whakautu

Ka kore e whakaputaina to wahitau imeera. Kua tohua nga mara e hiahiatia ana *

Mana pupuri © 2024 TROM-Jaro. Katoa nga Motika. | Tangata ngawari naHopu Kaupapa

Me 200 nga tangata ki te koha 5 Euro ia marama hei tautoko i a TROM me ana kaupapa katoa, mo ake tonu atu.